Born and raised in North East Texas, I grew up with a family of misfits, leaving me with a wild imagination, a sharp sense of humor, and prone to the occasional bout of insanity.
After spending years in customer service management, I pursued a career in marketing. Busy with a full-time job and two kids I somehow still felt there was something missing. My best friend suggested I pick up the proverbial pen and write, something I hadn’t done in a long time.
She was right. From the scattered ashes of dreams, I put together a few stories and to my surprise, they got published. Don’t take me wrong, I could make a mountain out of the rejections I’ve received, but it’s the successes that count.
In 2017 my life took another turn when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Fighting a chronic illness introduced me to the challenges of chasing your dreams while trying to keep your health and your family in balance.
With the very patient understanding of my family, friends, and some helpful strangers, I’ve managed to handle this writing thing by following five rules: write it, edit it, get rejected, dust yourself off, and do it all over again.
This is my journey and I hope you will share it with me.